Experts in Maths, English and Science tuition, one to one, online, with real teachers.

What are you looking for?

  • GCSE, 11+ Exams or other specialist exam preparation?

  • Just a little extra support to run alongside schooling?

  • Home-education

  • Adult education

  • Gifted and talented support

  • SEND and other special educational needs tutoring

Here at the National Learning Group we we give you your own personal tutor – qualified, classroom experienced and there for you to help you with your individual educational needs. We can spend as long as is necessary on concepts, and will never move on until your child has gained the confidence and the ability to master what we are teaching.

Find a Tutor Near Me | One-to-One Private Tutoring

With our long and successful history in the education sector, we are passionate about giving our students the best help and support, through tailored learning.

We use modern technology mixed with traditional, experienced teachers to deliver the best experience possible. We believe that to get the best out of a student, they need one to one tutoring with a REAL tutor. We focus on exactly what the student needs, and back it up with repetition through practice.

We don’t tie people into long, unnecessary contracts and let the teaching do the talking. We cater for all ages from reception up to A-level and beyond.

Additional Services

With more and more focus on extra-curricular support, we can provide all the help you need to be the best you can be. From extra tuition for children, to adult education, arranging exams, bespoke tuition sessions and even teaching English abroad, we’ve got it covered.

We love learning, we love teaching, and our results reflect this. Get in touch today to see how we could work with you to achieve your goals.

Many people consider extra tuition for their children, but often don’t follow through with it. Sometimes it’s because the child is falling behind at school, or needing help to increase their confidence. It could be that they are already doing well, but need to be stretched to achieve their potential and continue to be a high achiever. We understand that finding a tutor on your own can be a drawn out and sometimes stressful affair, but we’ve got it covered for you!

We help all sorts of people from adult learners, home-educators, and schools, to catch up tutoring, GCSE, 11+, other specialist help and everything in between!

Benefits to the Student

Benefits to the Family

How We can Help You

Get in touch via the contact form, and we will call to discuss your needs, how we can help, and what we have to offer.
We are thrilled to announce that the National Learning Group has been awarded the prestigious title of “Best in Category for Tuition Delivery to Private Clients” at the National Tutoring Awards.
This accolade recognises our unwavering commitment to excellence in educational services, highlighting the dedication of our team and the success of our tailored tuition programmes. Thank you to all our clients and supporters for making this achievement possible.

Popular Subjects

Group Levels

Behind the Scenes
Life at NLG

We are real people, here to help you and make sure you get the best from your tutoring. Please call us anytime on 01434 239069, or fill in the contact form and one of our fantastic, friendly humans will give you a call for a nice chat about what you’re looking for!

Tutor satisfaction guarantee.

When you choose to use the National Learning Group, we will work with you to ensure we get the best out of your child. If at any time during your time with us, you would like to try a different tutor then we will re-allocate a new tutor to you within 7 days, with no charge. We want to make sure you are getting the best from us, and we are getting the best out of our students.