School Led Tutoring

Tutoring Into Schools

Disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have resulted in significant missed education by pupils. Disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils have been particularly impacted.

Tutoring is one of the most effective tools for helping pupils recover lost education and many pupils have already benefited with The National Learning Group.

In September 2021 the Government expanded funding for tutoring to include School-led Tuition. The Government will continue to provide a tuition offer into the 2022-23 and 2023-24 academic years.

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What is Tuition Tutoring?

A teacher, teaching assistant or other professional educator providing intensive and individualised academic support to pupils in either one-to-one or small group arrangements.

We know tutoring can have a positive impact on pupils’ academic progress and evidence suggests that pupils who receive small group tuition may make, on average, 4 months additional progress and pupils who receive one-to-one tuition may make, on average, 5 months additional progress. Research into affordable primary tuition found that pupils who received tuition made +3 months additional progress.

Many pupils find that tutoring offers a safe space to talk about concepts they have struggled with in the classroom and receiving more feedback, being more engaged and completing work tailored to their specific needs helps to build their resilience and confidence.

Why School Led Tutoring?

Feedback from schools about the National Tutoring Programme, showed an overwhelming demand for more flexibility to use funding to source their own tutors and decide which pupils need the most support to help them catch-up on missed education. The School Led Tutoring grant is designed to help close the education gap between disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils and their peers.

What is the School-Led Tutoring Grant?

Under School-Led Tutoring, all eligible state-funded schools are given a ring-fenced grant to fund tutoring provision for disadvantaged pupils. This could include using external tutoring resources such as the services we provide at the National Learning Group.

Eligibility: All state-funded schools with pupils eligible for pupil premium will receive a ring-fenced grant. There is no ‘opt-in’ process, so schools will not be required to apply for this ring-fenced funding

​Funding: From May 2022, funding will be allocated for around 76% of pupils in Year 1 to 11, eligible for pupil premium, per school. The extra funding is for the final term only and will not be backdated to the beginning of the academic year. 75% of the cost is subsidised in academic year 2021/22. Schools will need to fund the remaining 25% through other budgets, such as recovery premium or pupil premium.

The subsidy rate for 2022/23 will be 60%

The subsidy rate for 2023/24 will be 25%.

Who is eligible?

All state-funded primary, middle and secondary schools in England with pupils in Year 1 to 11 eligible for pupil premium (eligible for free school meals or have been eligible in the past 6 years) receive a School-Led Tutoring grant.

This includes:

Do Schools Have To Use The Funding

The Department of Education has stated that schools can use their discretion to decide which pupils are in most need of the extra funding – including children that aren’t part of the pupil premium programme.

As schools will have to contribute 25% of the tuition costs and will be expected to pay higher rates in the future, they should focus on offering extra academic support to pupils that will benefit most from the academic support.


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How The National Learning Group can help?

At NLG, we support thousands of students each year with their education, both in school and out of school. We work closely with schools and academy trusts to identify key areas of improvement for each individual learner and seek the input of each teacher to ensure funds are allocated to the students who need it most.

Our Tutors

School-led tutoring grant for Maths and English.

The National Learning Group can help your students get back on track by tutoring: