11 Plus Exam Tuition

Find an Online 11 Plus Exam Tutor

The 11+ examinations, also known as the 11-plus or Eleven-Plus, are standardised tests conducted in England to assess a student’s intelligence as opposed to their academic ability. These tests are typically taken by students in their last year of primary school, usually at the age of 10 or 11. Success in the 11+ can open doors to admission in selective grammar schools and other academically focused institutions.

We provide one-to-one 11 Plus tuition online to students all over the UK. Subjects covered include English, Maths, Verbal and Non-verbal reasoning, and the Sciences, along with interview preparation. Our 11+ tutors can also offer interview practice for your child, as well as support for the 11 Plus exam.

The 11+ examination commonly assess a range of subjects. All sections are optional, so which questions will come up will depend on where you are in the country. Typically, they will consist of four sections – Maths, English, Verbal Reasoning, Non-verbal reasoning. Our experienced 11 Plus tutors are dedicated to helping your child succeed in 11 Plus exam preparation, while also covering the national curriculum in the UK.

Exam styles we prepare for include:

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GL Assessment - National Learning Group
11 Plus Entrance Exam

11 Plus Exam Tuition

Find an Online 11 Plus Exam Tutor

11 Plus Entrance Exam

11 Plus Exam Tuition

Guide to Find 11 Plus Exam Tutor

The 11+ examinations, also known as the 11-plus or Eleven-Plus, are standardised tests conducted in England to assess a student’s intelligence as opposed to their academic ability. These tests are typically taken by students in their last year of primary school, usually at the age of 10 or 11. Success in the 11+ can open doors to admission in selective grammar schools and other academically focused institutions.
Achieving success in the 11+ examinations is highly coveted as it opens doors to selective schools, providing a unique educational experience. These institutions often offer a more challenging curriculum and can set the stage for future academic accomplishments.

The 11+ examination commonly assess a range of subjects. All sections are optional, so which questions will come up will depend on where you are in the country. Typically, they will consist of four sections – Maths, English, Verbal Reasoning, Non-verbal reasoning.

Exam styles we prepare for include:

11 Plus Maths Test:

The maths test is usually at least one hour long and will consist of 30-40 questions. Typical questions are:

11 Plus Maths Test - Eleven Plus Test Practice
11 Plus Maths Test Practice

What is the place value of 5 in 7,754.909?
Which of the following numbers is a factor of 279?
5, 7, 9, 11

11 Plus English Test: 

Like the Maths test, there will be nothing in the English paper which hasn’t been taught in school. The test is structured in two parts – Comprehension and continuous writing. Questions may look like this:

There will be an extract from a famous book which is age appropriate then some comprehension questions. The example below is from Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.

11 Plus English Test - Eleven Plus Test Practice
11 Plus English Test

Continuous Writing
For this last section, candidates are expected to write in appropriate styles for two contrasting questions. Candidates will be assessed on accuracy, spelling, punctuation, the quality of writing and originality.
Example contrasting questions could be: Write 5 or 6 sentences describing your typical Saturday.
And: Write down, in 5 or 6 sentences, instructions to a younger sister, brother, or friend on how to wash up after evening meal.

Reasoning - Verbal and Non-Verbal

The core parts of the 11+ Test is the part not taught in school and this where some students need to practice the most.

Examples include:

Using the letters from the word LACQUER, make a 3-letter word meaning “a piece of grassy land”.

11 Plus Verbal & Non-Verbal Test Questions
11 Plus Verbal & Non-Verbal Test Questions
Eleven Plus Verbal & Non-Verbal Practice Test
Eleven Plus Verbal & Non-Verbal Practice Test

Frequently Asked Question

Got a question that we haven’t covered? Please get in touch with us and we would be happy to answer any queries you have.

The 11+ exam is an entrance examination used by grammar schools in the UK to assess potential students for admission into Year 7. It typically includes tests in English, maths, verbal reasoning, and non-verbal reasoning. The content and format can vary depending on the region and the specific requirements of each school.

It’s advisable to begin preparing at least a year in advance, around Year 5. This gives ample time to build on core skills, familiarise with the exam format, and reduce the pressure by spreading out learning. Early preparation helps identify any areas where your child may need additional support.

National Learning Group offers tailored one-to-one tutoring that focuses on the specific needs of each child. Our tutors assess your child’s current academic level and customise their teaching methods accordingly. We cover all aspects of the 11+ exam, including practice tests, to ensure your child is well-prepared and confident.

GL exams are known for their predictable format, focusing on English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning, and Non-Verbal Reasoning. CEM exams, designed by the University of Durham, are less predictable and combine Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning, and Numerical Reasoning in ways that frequently change to prevent teaching to the test.

The preference for GL or CEM varies by region and school. Some areas may exclusively use one type, while others might offer a choice between the two or switch between them periodically. It’s best to check directly with the schools you are interested in or visit their websites for the most accurate information.

At National Learning Group, our tutors are experienced with both GL and CEM formats. We tailor our tutoring approaches to meet the specific needs of each student, focusing on strengthening core academic skills, enhancing test-taking strategies, and building confidence across all potential exam contents.

Grammar schools are selective schools known for their high academic standards and strong focus on scholarly excellence. They provide an environment where academically gifted students can learn among peers of similar abilities, which can significantly enhance their educational experience and outcomes.

Visiting schools is crucial. Most grammar schools offer open days where you can tour the facilities and speak with staff and students. Consider the school’s ethos, academic track record, extracurricular opportunities, and its accessibility from your home.

There are several options to consider, including appealing the decision or preparing for a 12+ or 13+ entrance exam. Additionally, exploring other high-performing non-selective schools could also be beneficial. It’s important to remember that many paths can lead to academic success and personal fulfilment.

Some grammar schools accept students from outside their immediate catchment area and others offer boarding options. Each school has its own admissions policy, so it’s best to check directly with the schools you’re interested in to understand their specific requirements and processes.

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How NLG Can ​ Help

Our experienced 11 plus tutors are dedicated to providing personalised 11+ assistance tailored to each student’s 11 plus exam needs. At NLG we recognise the unique challenges posed by the 11+ exams and we offer targeted guidance to enhance skills in the specific areas covered by the 11 plus papers.
Through a structured curriculum, students gain a thorough understanding of key concepts, develop critical thinking skills and practice with authentic exam-style questions.
Success in the 11+ examination not only requires academic proficiency but also confidence. Our tutors foster a positive learning environment, helping students build the self-assurance necessary to tackle the challenges presented by the 11 plus exam papers.

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