Hello 2024!
We hope you had a wonderful Festive break and the sun shone where you are. It was a grey and soggy in the North-East but we’re used to it now!
It’s going to be a busy 6 months if your student is at school. To help you stay on top of things, we have organised the most important dates below.
Schools have one week to administer this test.
Schools have two weeks to administer this test.
Click here for more details..
Click here for more details..
11+ examinations occur around September of Year 6. For the exact dates for 2024, please visit your child’s chosen school’s website. This is the only place to get reliable information for your child’s year of entry.
Results to be published on Thursday 22nd August.
Results released on Thursday 15th August 2024.
SQA results are due to be released to students on Tuesday 6 August 2024.
Didn’t Get the A-Level Results You Needed? How National Learning Group Can Help… A-Level results day can be a rollercoaster of emotions. For some, it’s a time of celebration, but for others, it can be a moment of disappointment when…
Top Tips For Parents Understanding The Summer Slide… As summer approaches, students and parents alike look forward to a well-deserved break from the rigours of the academic year. However, along with the joy of summer comes a hidden…
The Importance of Tuition Support Over the Christmas Period In the UK, the pressure on students is higher than ever. According to recent studies, 1 in 4 students report feeling unprepared for their exams, and nearly 30% of…
With most Christmas exam results coming out in secondary schools, now is a good time to sit with your Year 9 student and talk about what they want to do for their GCSEs. Most schools…
Comprehensive Guide to 11 Plus Exam Preparation 2024: 11 Plus Exam Tips 11 Plus Exam Dates Grammar School Selection Preparing for the 11 plus exam is the first significant step in your child’s academic journey towards attending a prestigious grammar school. At National…
In a rapidly evolving academic world, the mastery of Mathematics and English is more crucial than ever. The National Learning Group (NLG) stands as a beacon of educational prowess, offering top-tier tutoring services in these…